CoffeeShop TypeChat

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{{ orderItem.optionSizes[option.type] ?? 1 }}
                                i'd like a latte that's it
                                i'll have a dark roast coffee thank you
                                get me a coffee please
                                could i please get two mochas that's all
                                we need twenty five flat whites and that'll do it
                                how about a tall cappuccino
                                i'd like a iced venti latte
                                we'll also have a short tall latte
                                i wanna latte macchiato with vanilla
                                how about a peppermint latte
                                may i also get a decaf soy vanilla syrup caramel latte with sugar and foam
                                i want a latte with peppermint syrup with peppermint syrup
                                can I get a skim soy latte
                                i'd like a light nutmeg espresso that's it
                                can i have an cappuccino no foam
                                can i have an espresso with no nutmeg
                                we want a light whipped no foam mocha with extra hazelnut and cinnamon
                                i'd like a strawberry latte
                                i want a flat white with five pumps of caramel syrup
                                i want a two pump peppermint three squirt raspberry skinny vanilla latte with a pump of caramel and two sugars
                                i want a latte cappuccino espresso and an apple muffin
                                i'd like a tall decaf latte iced a grande cappuccino double espresso and a warmed poppyseed muffin sliced in half
                                we'd like a latte with soy and a coffee with soy
                                i want a latte latte macchiato and a chai latte
                                we'd like a cappuccino with two pumps of vanilla
                                i'd like a flat white with two equal
                                add three equal to the flat white
                                two tall lattes. the first one with no foam. the second one with whole milk.
                                two tall lattes. the first one with no foam. the second one with whole milk. actually make the first one a grande.

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  • {{item}}
  • {{item}}
{{ transcript }}
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  • {{map(option.size, x => x === 0 ? 'No ' : x === .5 ? '1/2' : `${x}x `) || '' }} {{}}
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